Landcom and The National Theatre for Children invite you to use these e-learning resources to guide and educate your students about mental health and wellbeing. The digital materials are designed to get your students motivated and empowered about their mental health.
Stress can be a roadblock stopping many young people from getting the most out of their schooling. If students are feeling overwhelmed and not coping, they can struggle to focus in class or retain information. Talking to your students about their mental health can be a delicate subject to navigate.
The Mind Masters: PROJECT MINDSET includes live-in-school performances, accompanying Student Handbook, educational podcasts, digital games, teacher toolkit and extended activities, which are designed to be an easy and accessible way to provide this valuable information.
Teachers and school counsellors are a vital part of The Mind Masters program because your insight and guidance is invaluable to supporting your students.
Want to know the best way to use the related videos, games, and other lessons to educate your class? Watch this short video and learn how to easily add The Mind Masters: PROJECT MINDSET to your curriculum!